Apply for participation at Sofia Art Fair 2024

The Sofia Art Fair is a new contemporary art event in Bulgaria that seeks to promote intercultural dialogue and contribute to the growth of the Bulgarian art market. The fair aims to showcase commercial galleries, creative collectives, and emerging Bulgarian artists, both domestic and international, with a focus on contemporary art. As part of the event, visitors will be able to attend educational panels, workshops, talks, and interactive experiences that encourage the study of art, culture, and the creative process.
If you’re interested in participating, commercial galleries, creative collectives, and emerging Bulgarian artists (up to 30 years old) whose work focuses on contemporary art are invited to apply. Eligible media include painting, sculpture, graphics, objects and installations, contemporary photography, digital media, multi-genre works, and mixed media.
To apply, you should fill in the application form, read and agree to the General Terms and Conditions of the exhibition, and pay a fee of 10 euros for the consideration of your application. All applications will be reviewed by the Sofia Art Fair jury, which comprises international art professionals. The selected participants will be notified within 14 days of their application submission.
The deadline for applications is 15.04.2024, midnight. Please note that applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered. Applications will only be reviewed by the SAF Jury if all of the above requirements are met.